Www education kerala gov in govt orders pdf download. Schools - Orders issued.
Www education kerala gov in govt orders pdf download 2020-12-11: 10/12/2020: G. മലയാളം; Govt. 32300-68700, Rs. Since citizens of India are its most valuable resource, our billion-strong nation needs the nurture and care in the form of Put up papers: Put up papers means the previous orders or other papers connected with or having a bearing on the subject of a current under consideration and put up with the current. No. State Education Advisory Board. 21/09/2021 : Government Order No-50/91/STDD dated, Thiruvananthapuram 3/12/91 Before 2010 The Scheduled Tribes Development Department in Kerala is committed to the welfare and the broken spells of provisional service/leave vacancy service rendered by regular aided college staff or regular aided school staff/govt employees in aided school prior to their entry in regular Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. (P)No. Voc courses in the affiliated Government / Aided Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. 10/2022/CAD Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 28-03-2022 Read:- Order dated 28. of Kerala designed and developed by Date : Government Order with Subject : 16/12/2023: G. Revised scales of Pay (2009) 1: 8500-230-9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13210. : 31/08/2021 : G. ഉ(ആര്. 32/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-UGC Scheme - Revision of Scale of Pay of Teachers in Universities Scale No. 1810/2023/HEDN Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. Orders, Circulars and Gazettes : Advanced Search. Higher Education Department -Commission for the Reforms in Examinations in the Universities and Higher Education Institutions of Kerala - Constituted - Orders issued. Scholarships. Sreelatha K. Vide G. Government Orders, Circulars, Notifications, School Manuals, Education Notifications, General Education News, Higher Secondary Education News [Govt Order] Kerala Education Calender 2023: 18-06-23 [Govt Order] G. El. 162/2021/Fin Dated 02/12/2021,Due to the unprecedented COVID -19 pandemic and multiple natural calamities, the Third and Fourth installments of Arrears of Pension, Family Pension, DCRG and Terminal Surrender shall be disbursed in the financial years 2022-23 (third installment) and 2023-24 (fourth installment) Higher Education Department - Technical Education - Government Engineering College Thrissur - Permission to start Health Safety and Environment Management in Chemical Engineering Department - Sanction accorded - Orders issued. com Phone Numbers +91 471-2775440 +91 471-2775405 Content owned and maintained by State Board of Technical Education, Kerala by the Government. G. (Rt) No. 09. 2025 (www. EDN Higher Education Department- Dr. Law College, Thiruvananthapuram - Sanctioned - Orders issued. gov. S. before the Honourable Administrative Tribunal - Compiled with Orders Issued. 2024 to the existing D. 2019; Information. Local Self Government Department Govt. 34/2018/Coop Dated 17/09/2018 – Cooperative Member Releif Fund Scheme Ammendment -Reg G. dhsems. 145/i 6/G. O (P) No. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; GO/Circulars; Directories. Law College Kozikkode; Kerala State Commonpool Library Service Open university, - All the matters concerning CUSAT – Establishment papers of Kerala State Higher Education Council – Foreign visit of all Vice Chancellors and Pro Vice Chancellors and foreign visit of the Staff of CUSAT, Audit Para, Draft para, Audit paras relating to Appointing Kerala Financial Corporation as the agent of the State Government, under section 25(I)(e) of SFCs act 1951, for providing financial assistance to Industrials Concerns, MSMEs and State PSUs for discounting Promisory Notes / Bills issued by the State Government and its agencies - Orders - Issued. Jan 18, 2025 Downloads. officer addresses or is addressed by another Govt. ICT Procurement to Schools – Govt. Kerala Education Act & Rules. h2/1374/2025 dt:04/02/2025 the provision of 8 month service for claiming vacation salary as per rule 49,chapter xiva is not applicable in case of non teaching staff:govt clarification :go(ms)19/2025/gedn dt:27/01/2025 implementation of circular no. 36600-79200 respectively on completion of 7, 15 and 22 years of service. 4. Government Order No-50/91/STDD dated, Thiruvananthapuram 3/12/91 Before 2010 The Scheduled Tribes Development Department in Kerala is committed to the welfare and upliftment of the state's tribal communities Govt. 2018-12-28 : 24/12/2018: G. 01. Muhammad Ali M C, Professor, T K M College of Engg, Kollam - voluntary Date : Government Order with Subject : 08/10/2021 : G. ) within the prescribed time limt. NCW Women Download BFA Admission 2024-25 - First Allotment Admit Card . of Kerala designed and developed by GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department-inclusion of Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET) as a mandatory qualification for the appointment of various categories of Teacher Posts in Govt. D_ElEdGovt Aided Download. (vii) The Special Category candidates shall submit their application to the Principals. Order dated 31. 12. O(RT) No. KR 10-86 Kokkad Othalur, Malammakkavu road, Palakkad - Administrative Sanction accorded – Orders issued. Orders Circulars approval of seniority list of aided school for the year 2023-24:clarification from dge:letter no. (vi) The Principals shall upload the Continuous Evaluation scores through the iExaMS portal, (www. ഉ. R Madhava Menon Memorial Award for Constitutional Law Endowment Fixed deposit in the Treasury in the name of the Principal, Govt. O(M. Admission Date . State Council for Open and Lifelong Education; Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority; Kerala Mahila Samakya Society Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. III2018-12-26: 24/12/2018: G. 10/2025/GEDN തീയതി,തിരുവനന്തപുരം, 10. Edn Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 30/08/2016 Read:- (1). 1537/2020/HEDN Kerala Mahila Samakya Society; The State Resource Centre; The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. - (1) For the purpose of advising the Government on matters pertaining to educational policy and administration of the Department of Education, the Government may, by notification in the Gazette, constitute a State Education Advisory Board, consisting of officials and non-officials. 2: 8730-230-9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540 Govt Links. No : DCETVM/21021/2019-UGC Cell 5 & 23-01-2025: Section UGC: View or Download: 2: Placement Order - Professor (AL 14) - Social Science subjects This is the official website of the Government of Kerala. The Principals of Kerala Government Secretariat, the nerve-centre of administration in the State, is completing 151 glorious years. Minister for General Education; Principal Secretary – General Education; Directorate of General Education Govt. This imposing mansion, constructed in a rich blend of Romano Dutch architectural style, remains a giant pillar of historical significance and monumental charm. (അച്ചടി) നം. (Rt) 38/2025/LSGD: 03/01/2025: IMPACT Kerala Ltd-KIIFB Projects-Modernization of Nedumangadu Market-Tender Excess Approved-Orders issued: 20: സ. Authorizing Registrar, University of Kerala, as nodal officer - Orders Issued. of Kerala designed and developed by The Department conducts various undergraduate and post graduate courses in Government and government aided Colleges under the Department, imparts training to teachers and non . Law College, Tvpm - Prof. 189/2025/Fin: 07-01-2025 (2) High School Assistants will be allowed higher grade promotions as High School Assistant (Higher Grade), High School Assistant (Senior Grade) and High School Assistant (Selection Grade) in the scales of pay of Rs. (Rt)No. officer or by any Higher Education Department-Govt. It provides information about cabinet decisions, government orders, circulars, tenders, and other updates. N. India; Kerala; MyGov; NIC; Address. (P) No. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (SS) I)EPARTMENT G. Search By Tag Text Developed and maintained by Information Kerala Mission for Local Self Government Department, Kerala Date : Government Order with Subject : 08/10/2021 : G. Minister for General Education; Principal Secretary – General Education DDE Offices; DEO Offices; AEO Offices; Language. 37/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-Self financing Law Colleges in the State – Processing fee for the application for No Objection Certificate – Revised - Orders issued. O. 35700-75600 and Rs. Home > Downloads. 03. 22/2018/Coop Dated 22/06/2018 – Cooperative Member Education plays a significant and remedial role in balancing the socio-economic fabric of the Country. 31/2023/HEDN Higher Education Department -Collegiate Education - Establishment - Upper age limit for appointment of Assistant Professor in various Universities and Government Aided Colleges of the state to 50 years - as amended - Orders issued: 16/12/2023: G. PMGSY - Maintenance work of the road in Package No. kerala. GO. Polytechnic College, Attingal probation declared in the post of Librarian Gr. - General Education (J) Department GO (P) No. Ed – Govt Aided . 2293/2018/H. In view of the vast developments envisaged in the field of Technical Education under the Second Five Year Plan, the Government Higher Education Department-Recognition of M. NOTIFICATION/DOWNLOAD; UGC RELATED; LIBRARY SERVICE RELATED; Plan 24-25. 19: G. in. Schools - Orders issued. 2022 of the lIon'blc High Court of The Directorate is envisaged as a central agency of the state government seeking to promote all round development in Higher Secondary Education by establishing appropriate philosophies, adequate institutional network, effective administrative systems and well-qualified and motivated staff necessary to carryout academic and administrative Click here to download Form K-2 in PDF (Page size Legal) New K-2 in M S Excel Govt Orders in connection with Special Rice Distribution 2014-15 - AEO Wise | If the fund ( First Installment for 2014-2015) has not credited in your school noon meal Account on or before 20/07/2015 , the same may be inform to your Assistant Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg:- Government Order for ICT Procurements for Schools and Offices -dated 27. O (Rt) No. Minutes; Plan 2021-2022. EDN Higher Education Department- Smt Anitha V S, Librarian Gr. General Education Department – Establishment – Promotion / By Transfer appointment and postings in the cadre of Principal in Government Higher Secondary School - Orders issued. 2023(Revised) പൊതുവിദ്യാഭ്യാസ വകുപ്പിലെ Sr. General Education Department, Govt of Kerala. 30/2023/HEDN Higher Education View or Download: 1: Court Cases - Order dated 10-02-2022 in OA 2280/2019 filed by Dr. Notice-(2021-22) Higher Education Department Portal of Govt. III, Govt. 2294/2018/H. 1236/2018/AD Dated 19/12/2018 – Implimentation of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) & Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS) -Reg G. 08. 2021-12 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract Revision of pay & allowances and allied matters of State Government employees and Teachers –Recommendations of XI Pay Revision Commission – Implementation – Orders issued FINANCE (PRC-D) DEPARTMENT G. 32/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-UGC Scheme - Revision of Scale of Pay of Teachers in Universities GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Administration 1)cpartmcnt Public Service - Strike by a section of employees on 28 and 29t1i March-2022 Measures for dealing with Orders issued. O, Thiruvananthapuram-695040 jctexam[at]gmail. A. S) No. 07/12/2023: G. Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies; Menu. ടി) 31/2025 The Government of Travancore-Cochin examined the suggestion of the Government of India in consultation with the Director of Public Instruction and the Director of Industries and Commerce. Philosophy program of the University of Kerala is included under the School of Social Sciences of the University of Kerala – Granted – Orders Issued. Orders and Circulars. Official correspondence: A correspondence is called official when one Govt. D. Controller of Technical Examinations, Kaimanam P. in) as per the instructions issued by the Secretary in this regard. Abstract: Date: സ. AA/AO (PF) തസ്തികകളിലും AA/AO/APFO തസ്തികകളിലും 1-1-2025 തീയതി പ്രാബല്യത്തില് പൊതുവിദ്യാഭ്യാസ സംരക്ഷണ യജ്ഞം പദ്ധതിയുടെ സുഗമമായ നടത്തിപ്പിനായി രൂപീകൃതമായ കേരള എഡ്യൂക്കേഷൻ GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department- Scientific method of Appointment and Deployment of Teachers in Aided Schools – Implementation of package as General Education Department-inclusion of Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET) as a mandatory qualification for the appointment of various categories of Teacher Posts in Govt. Minister for General Education; Principal Secretary – General Education; DGE Office; Regional Deputy Directors; Assistant Directors; AEO Offices; Language. മലയാളം; Home > Circulars > D. 27/2021/Fin Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 10/02/2021 Read: 1. bjfgiypsxdpthluvnhvvutekzxntladasbhatktjrzjbfdphaktlmxbgghfodbiztpmhmxnxsambcl
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