70cm preamp 0 August 9th 2022 Matthias DD1US Hello, at the Ham Radio fair 2022 in Friedrichshafen, I acquired a 70cm preamplifier from Advanced Receiver Research. I completed building my 440mhz preamp. 68 dB, Input RL= -14 dB, IP3out > 37dBm. 2m & 70cm PREAMPS for Satellite work (ON6UG design) Here are some hints and tips for construction of a good preamp for satellite work. Mirage/KLM KP-2/70cm 430-450 MHz Preamplifier. Sold Out Variable Capacitor 4,5 KV, 16-310 pF. 2) are shown below: Fig. QRV: 4th-6th May, 2007 GL: QK25VG IOTA: OC-086. They also are my every day antennas. Hammond Hello All, I have an old Landwehr preamp that apparently uses the MGF1402 device (does that sound right?). 3. My EME2-432 preamp arrived on Friday, the day before an ARRL Will you have a decent 70cm preamp? Allan - VK4EME / QG63kq. This low cost Receive Only 70cm 430MHz Pre-amplifier has been designed to be easy to . 20 About Discontinued Mirage KP-1-440 70cm Pre-Amp. It replaces the LNA-435. TPL UHF 70cm 300 WATT 400-512MHZ RADIO - BASE - REPEATER POWER AMPLIFIER - HAM. 1296MHz Transverter 144/1296 23cm VLNA G4DDK Pages Dual 2C39 PA 1296MHz W6PQL 600W Pallet Small dish. rar (880kb) 70cm WBFM transceiver for packet radio by YO5CRI in PDF - 70cm. Initially, we will drive the system with our Icom IC-9100 Transceiver. View details DBA-270 Dual Band Masthead Pre-Amplifier is designed to enhance UHF (70cm Band) L N A Noise figure (in dB) or noise factor (ratio) is a measurement of the thermal noise floor of a Preamp or Receiver relative to thermal noise in a 50-ohm resistor at 290° K. The new preamplifiers from SSB-Electronic are low noise while simultaneously offering high amplification. High Power Omron Relay. Since 2017, I am driving a homebrew GS-35b amplifier that produces 1kW. I also have the same setup with the 2M and 70CM antennas along with a 70CM preamp both at 17Ft. Preamplifier, Weatherproof, Mast Mounted, 430-450 MHz, 100 W, 15 dB Gain, Type N, Female, 9-15 Vdc Addeddate 2023-04-10 05:01:46 Identifier g8mny_High_Gain_70cm_Preamp Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2bb2x42p2s Ocr tesseract 5. io, <vk5apn=aapt. Pre-Owned. 99. The Pre-amplifier has an adjustable 20 to 29dB gain, and can be used to optimize gain 1KW 70cm LDMOS Amplifier by W6PQL This one is similar in size and function to the 2m and 222MHz KW amplifiers. 86 sold. Click on the Strange problem but finally resolved and the preamp works very well and far superior to the Mirage. VAT, plus shipping €271. Please see the specifications below. The MAR6 (MSA-0686,0685,0885) is a high performance silicon bipolar Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit . Low noise and large signal proof, 12V supply via coax cable. 90. 50 Add to Cart. or Best Offer +$150. (* High power permit granted by ACMA). On 23cm the output noise level of cold sky eas about 11dB above the transverter noise. For example, the preamp can be switched The 70cm preamp will be changed to a preamp from Antennas&Amplifiers once my PA for 70 cm is ready as the SSB Elektronic one is not capable of handling the high power. The video includes an overvie DBA 270 Duo-Band-PreAmp 2M + 70 CM : Barcode: Not Available: Category: SSB-ELECTRONIC Products: Sub Category: SSB Amplifiers: Packing Length (cm) 17: Packing Width (cm) 17: Packing Heigth (cm) 10: Packing Weight in Preamp is connected to a 4 cavity DCI filter. Their ultimate, KP-2 series are two-piece preamp systems that consist of RF Line Voltage Control Units and Mast-Mounted Antenna Preamp Units, which are used for advanced, high-performance antenna installations. KJ4QAN Rating: 2011-07-19; Didn't work new. * Coverage 70cm * Microwave type device * Components supplied * Easy to build * PCB size * The new low-noise amplifier for the 70cm band represents a completely new development of SSB-Electronic. Time Owned: more than 12 months. The EME221-70CM is a High performance masthead mount Receiver Pre-amplifier that is specifically designed for the 70cm 430 to 450MHz band. The amplifier was apparently never used and was still in the sealed plastic bag. Dennis SP 70 Preamp Switchable 435 MHz. I found that with my IC-9100 I didn’t really need the 2 meter preamp but the 70 cm preamp is very helpful. Can be powered locally or remotely from a 9 to 14V DC supply. This filter is to be left permanently on the 2m antenna coaxial cable to notch out the 70cm RF As illustration how tuning capacitances of Ct1 and Ct2 influenced gain and NF, I made some computer simulations on 70cm preamp. Anaheim, CA. 63dB. Be careful CNT-240 patch cable with a TNC male to N type female is used on the output of the Preamp to connect to the The connection cable between preamp and antenna should be as high quality as possible. It consists of two Preamps with HF-VOX for 6/4/2m and 70cm. I'm using one with the M² 70CM eggbeater antenna. Best 2M & 70CM DX contacts were from Charleston, SC to Waycross, GA, 176 miles to the same station, within minutes of each other. . I’m not affiliated with them in anyway, I have both the 2M and 70CM antennas with the radial kits. Use RF Vox up to 100W 500W Bypass. I guess I can't fathom why anyone would give these antennas a 0 or 1 of 5 I also have the pair of M2 eggbeaters with a 70cm preamp and radial kits. 00. 95. And on 70cm and 1296 in particular, the 9700 does need some help in the receive department. During the search of the new E-PHEMT for EME LNA at 70 cm frequency range, it was paid attention to E-PHEMT SAV-541+ LNA simulation. 2kW PA (GS31b) TTE1482 Experiments. incl. It provides a gain of 16dB and operates on the 430-450MHz frequency range. 26 dB nf preamp 400 watts. Equipment: Icom IC-821D + AG-25(2m Preamp) AG-35(70cm Preamp) TX Configuration •Signal strength determines not only the reach but smooth frame rate (FPS), resolution and latency. Dennis Performance testing of EME221 Mini-Kits 70cm masthead pre-amp. Subject: [amsat-bb] Landwehr 70cm preamp device question? Post by Mark L. Be sure that the preamp is not overloaded by The Mini Kits EME221-70CM kit is a high-performance masthead mount receiver pre-amplifier specifically designed for the 70cm band (430 to 450MHz). KH0/JE1TNL Log (2007/05/04-2007/05/06) SAIPAN, Northern Mariana Is. I'm able to work SO-50 easily now, was barely able to hear it before. 43 1 in stock. I have a 12v injector that I've used with the MiniKits 70cm preamp, although the using the 12v injector with the MSP432VDG-160 does not power up the pre-amp so it appears that the MSP432VDG-160 that I was given does not have the optioanl choke unit installed in it. E-PHEMT SAV Review Summary For : AR2 Advanced Receiver Research Preamp P432VDG; Reviews: 2 MSRP: 79. The Pre-amplifier has an adjustable 20 to 29dB gain, and can be used to optimize gain Build one or both of these kits to give you low noise pre-amps for 2m and 70cm. 0-3-g9920 Ocr_detected_lang EME2-432 70cm Ultimate T/R Relay Switches BPF VLNA. It's not working so I presume it's the GaAsFET. Mine didn't work right out of the box. Details; Technical Data; 70cm from SSB Electronic. 1 PCB LNA 2m, ATF-531P8 Fig. 1 Following on from the successful PGA144 preamplifier the PGA432 uses the same techniques to deliver a low noise, high dynamic range preamplifier for the 70cm band. The Arrow Antenna is actually two separate (2m/70cm) yagi antennas on a ELNA70CM-22N 70cm pre-amp by K4EME HA8ET EXTRA-6 50MHz Preamplifier 50-1300 GHz preamp by Chuck, WA3IAC Mini-kits EME157 2m Preamplifier Elecraft PR6 Lafayette HE-73 PreCon Mirage KP-1-440 70 cm GaAsFET Pre-Amplifier Advanced Receiver Research (AR2) P900VDG KD9SV DXPedition RX Antenna Switch w. There are four versions of the VLNA amplifier. Buy It Now +$1. Also in contest operation the new LNA series makes a good figure: Advanced Receiver Research P432VDG 70cm preamplifier Version 1. 1) and 70cm (Fig. You can see on pictures what happened with gain and NF when you change capacitances of one Ham radio antenna, transceivers, coax cable & other amateur radio gear. Choose In-shack or Mast-Mount models). Referring to block diagram on Page5: The RX RX on J11001 on Main-Unit is fed to a diode switch with 5 outputs: HF, HF Attenuator, (up to 54 MHz), 2m BPF, 70cm preamp and lastly 76 - Page last updated: 16/03/2009. rar (510kb) (SUPER!)T7F - 70cm FM/FSK transceiver by Holger A Very Low Noise (pre)-Amplifier for the UHF 70cm to 9cm bands Sam Jewell, G4DDK Introduction This paper describes the current build (September 2013) of the G4DDK VLNA preamplifiers. Regular price €89 00 €89,00. RE-HFA1MAR6 Wideband VHF/UHF/SHF monolithic PreAmp based on MARx-series. The preamp uses a MGF1302, which is no up to date transistor anymore. 00 ; Description: Extremely Low Noise Preamp for 432 MHz weak signal operation. 2 PCB LNA 70cm, ATF-531P8. PCB for 2m (Fig. 34. I have a single-stage model installed in one of the best 70cm repeaters in town. It is actually better than what I had expected, but it is still probably too much for the 70cm mast-mounted preamp to cope with. This pre-amp is designed to enhance the performance of your 70cm antenna system. HRO Discount Price: $344. The pre-amplifiers of the Super-Amp series are available for the following amateur bands 6 m, 2 m, 70, 23 and 13 cm. Re You'll need the schematic and a signal generator. Fast Delivery Free The divider is "round tube in Rectangular" coaxial line and is 3/4 wL long at 70cm. Details. Regular price €149 00 €149,00. Model Frequency Model KP-1 In-Shack Models KP-1/10M 28-30 Mhz KP-1/6M 50-54 MHz KP-1/2M 144-148 Mhz KP-1/220 220-225 MHz KP- EME237-70CM Kit Notes: The pictures below are a final revision so should be carefully followed in construction. View details Microset PR-430A 70cm masthead pre-amp preamplifiers. a narrow band design would be more desirable. The Mirage KP-2-440 is powered by a 12V DC power source and features a built-in RF sense circuitry for automatic switching. 70cm UHF 420-450MHz Receive Only Preamplifier. 15-22 dB gain. In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days. QRV: 3rd-6thJanuary, 2008 GL: QK25VG IOTA: OC-086. ARRL HB CHP 32 FIG 1. Had to have it repaired. The Dualband Mast-Preamplifier DBA-270 improves the receiving characteristics of amateur radio stations in the 2-m and 70-cm-Band. Auto RF switching to 160W. $4,995. The product line includes RF linear power amplifiers, pre-amplifiers, down-converter, DATV receiver, band-pass filter and bias tees. 49 delivery. View Now Mirage KP-2-440 70cm masthead pre-amp is available at Radioworld UK. Each kit has a high quality microwave type device for exceptionally low-noise performance and immunity from damaging electrostatic discharge. au@groups. On 70cm/432MHz there is less operation, but because of 70 cm – 432 MHz or 430 to 450 MHz bandpass filter and preamplifier in one is very immune to out-of-band signals. Atlanta, Wideband PreAmp's for HF/VHF/UHF. MFJ Enterprises Inc , Ameritron , Hy-Gain , Hygain,Cushcraft , Vectronics , Mirage , MFJ, MFJ Enterprises , Antenna,Radio , Ham Radio , Amateur Radio , Tuner,Analyzer This is a -40dB coupling between antennas. Can also cover nearby commercial I have a LANDWEHR 70cm preamp and it doesnt have any T-bias inside the preamp. ICOM Weatherproof Preamplifiers. Can I use the 12v supplied by the IC-9700 up the coax and to key The new low-noise amplifier for the 70cm band represents a completely new development of SSB-Electronic. I have the 70cm preamp as well. SSB-Electronic GmbH 1037-S. My question is, does anyone have either the MSP432VDG-160 (70cm) MHP 70R 430-440MHz ultra low noise masthead preamplifier with BiasT feed option Price excl VAT: £ 486. The optional RF choke works well with the Icom IC-9100. The radio is capable of powering an LNA by sending 12v down the center conductor of the coax on any of the 3 bands (144, 432, 1296). This rig 430 MHz preamp Gain 12dB with the MGF1302 As I had good experience with the 144 MHz preamp build with a MGF1302, I wanted to do the same for 430 MHz (70cm). 23cm Preamp with W2IMU-Feedhorn . View accessories. Select-able gain prevents receiver intermod. SSB-Electronic GmbH 1037-NF. The Pre-amplifier has an adjustable 20 to 29dB gain, and can be used to optimize gain The preamplifiers of the Super-Amp series from SSB Electronic are available for the amateur radio bands 6 m, 2 m and 70 cm. The MVV xx/2 models have two antenna connections, which can be switched via an additional signal. Dual Preamp Construction and testing of a high performance masthead receiver pre-amplifier kit designed for the 70cm band (430 to 450MHz). See Table 1 for 23cm and Table 2 for 70cm. Very low insertion loss; Supply Scope. £179. Due to the built-in Diplexer only one HF-socket for the combi-antenna and the co 70cm SSB Preamp Comparison Question Seeking guidance from the experts on the spec difference running an SSB DBA 270 (dual band) vs SP 70 (70cm) preamp on my M2 Eggbeater antenna. Mast preamplifier; Mast clamp; Mast preamplifiers for 6m - 70cm from SSB Electronic. All models are equipped with super-low-noise, large-signal-resistant semiconductors which are safeguarded MHP 70R 430-440MHz ultra low noise masthead preamplifier with BiasT feed option Price excl VAT: £ 486. Top Features. The SP 70 is a selective receive preamplifier for the 70 cm amateur radio band with transmit / receive switching. Thus, they are ideal for use in EME, MS, Aurora and Tropo DX applications. View Now This preamp £194. Out of Stock Microset PR-430A 70cm masthead pre-amp preamplifiers. $81. 95; Description: Receive Premaplifier for 70cm : Product is in production: Receive Premaplifier for 70cm . It offers adjustable gain, low noise and good large-signal response. Tweet. 7dB Noise figure 430-440Mhz Frequency Range 12-22dB adjustable gain 500W SSB power handling RF sensed changeover or sequential Powered from DC voltage or via Coaxial cable I have both the 2M and 70CM antennas with the radial kits. They”ll also make and ship worldwide. Next job is to finish and install my 70cm 500W PA on the tower. 70cm Preamp with Dual-Dipole-Feed. A Complete Solution for 70cm 430 to 450 MHz 1200W Ultimate Transmit / Receive Competition and EME. Beginning with some of the earliest computer modeled and Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) manufactured antennas, Mike Staal, K6MYC has applied his experience to design and build the finest directional linear, cross-polarized and circular Old DJ9BV Preamp New 70cm VLNA 1. Construction o I have to second KY6R's experience. Equipment: Icom IC-821D + AG-25(2m Preamp) AG-35(70cm Preamp) Review Summary For : ELNA70CM-22N 70cm pre-amp by K4EME; Reviews: 1 MSRP: $125. Dennis AH0L Log (2008/01/03-2008/01/06) SAIPAN, Northern Mariana Is. 19 incl VAT: £ 583. Results. W6KKO Rating: 2017-04-19; A Definite Improvement Time Owned: 0 to 3 months. Antenna preamplifiers with low noise and low intermodulation Gain about +20 dB, NF= 0. EME2-432 70cm Ultimate T/R Relay Switches BPF VLNA. Add to Cart. Maybe there is a LC high-pass filter at the input of my 1895 - VE4SW - 2m/70cm turnstile Timeframes are in UTC. Test carried out using the Russian amateur satellite RS-44 identification beacon. A high-Q LC tuned input filters out-of band signals. Regular price €122 00 €122,00. net. This Pre The EME237-70CM is a High performance masthead mount Receiver Pre-amplifier that is specifically designed for the 70cm 430 to 450MHz band. Lightweight Yagi simple to build for 70cm amateur band (need a copy if you have one) K-6306: 70cm Preamp (440/470 MHZ) K-6307: UHF Power Amp (50 Watt) K-6308: VHF Amateur Transceiver: K-6308 Errata: K6308 Errata: K-6309: UHF GaAsFET Pre Amp: K-6310: 13. This constellation realizes a boost of the desired signal (approx. I'll be using the keying connector on the unit to T/R the preamp. 4. In order to use the AMSAT's you transmit on 2m and recieve on 70cm. 4. Cabling on tower for PA and rotor connections. There are some small differences in appearance; the front panel was machined and engraved for me by Front Panel Express. As low as: €322. Adding The EME237-70CM is a High performance masthead mount Receiver Pre-amplifier that is specifically designed for the 70cm 430 to 450MHz band. Mirage Preamplifiers I have both the 2M and 70CM antennas with the radial kits. The bandpass/preamp is placed on the Rx side and the About Discontinued Mirage KP-1-440 70cm Pre-Amp. Can the MGF1302 be substituted for the original MGF1402? Not Available. 0. 70 cm EME3-432 Split RX Transmit / Receive Relay PGA103+ or SAV-541+ BPF Filter VLNA Power 1200W Measured HF 6m 4 m Gain (S21). K7ICU Rating: Excellent product! Time Owned: 6 to 12 months. So the idea came up to This low cost Receive Only 70cm 430MHz Pre-amplifier has been designed to be easy to construct and can be center frequency tuned for use between 400 and 500MHz, and is suitable for the 420 to 450MHz amateur band. The UHF Unterlage part I/II was searched and the design of DJ9HO 432-435 GaAsFET 70CM PREAMP, 15db, . All models are equipped with super-low-noise, large-signal-resistant semiconductors which are safeguarded These pre-amps can easily be fitted into a small project box or PVC tube for antenna mounting. SHF Mast preamplifiers 6m - 13cm . Intermediate frequency ranges, such as The Mini-Kits EME237-70CM is a High Performance RX/TX masthead Pre-amplifier, and is . Out Of Stock - Delivery Will Be Delayed! HRO Discount Price: $389. Current Stock Status At These Ham Radio Outlet Locations. 70cm 430 - 450 MHz Low Loss Input Band-Pass Filter with Very Low Noise Pre-amplifier PGA-103+ Noise Figure 0. toggle quoted message Show quoted text On Wed, 22 Jan 2025, 16:51 Wayne Pearson via groups. This A custom 2M/70cm preamp and high power switching system and sequencer; Both antennas have good gain and F/B ratios and very good patterns. This product is for the serious Ham Radio Operator who is looking to hear extremely weak signals, such as EME, terrestrial and satellite communications. Current Stock Status At These Ham Radio Outlet Wideband mast pre-amp from 50 up to 5000 MHz with excellent large signal rejection (IP3> 30dBm) and low noise figure, suitable for many applications: Scanner, receivers or to enhance sensitivity of measuring devices. The new preamplifiers from SSB-Electronic are low noise The preamplifiers of the Super-Amp series from SSB Electronic are available for the amateur radio bands 6 m, 2 m and 70 cm. SP-7000 SSB ELECTRONICS 70cm Masthead Pre-amp SP-7000 SSB ELECTRONICS 70cm Masthead Pre-amp Home This preamp £194. $9. Opens in a new window or tab. •For weak signal work, try QPSK and <2 MHz BW 100% FEC and >1kbps bit rate (content with low resolution) •With a good signal >-90dBm and SNR >12dB, then try QPSK16, 4Kbps and 4MHz for high frame rate, resolution Technical specifications are the same as for 70cm band solution. It provides just the appropriate gain ( 15dBm) after a BpBr duplexer and two bandpass cavities. A high quality-low noise preamp Landwehr preamp DC power connector 5 pin Amplifier pre-amp 2M 70cm mast mounted. This page presents the design and construction of a combined 144MHz Low-Pass / 432MHz Notch filter. Mirage Preamplifiers feature automatic RF switching, 440 MHZ(70cm) Preamp. The only hard part about assembling the 2M unit was straightening out the loop wires. I could hear the bypass relay kick in but it actually attenuated the signal. These cover the four main amateur radio UHF bands of 70, 23, 13 and 9cm. Coaxial The Mini-Kits EME237-70CM is a High Performance RX/TX masthead Pre-amplifier, and is specifically designed for the 70cm 430-450MHz Amateur Band. 00 delivery. Gain is Enter your search terms Submit search form: Transceivers: 2m FM transceiver in PDF - 2m. Due to the sometimes very thick contest signals on 2m, a good large signal strength is essential. K0JEG Rating: 2015-04-05; Works well Time Owned: 0 to 3 months. 2320MHz This box holds the PreAmp and the two REW-14 coaxial relays. 8 Volt Transceiver Power Supply: K-6311: Since 1986, M2 Antenna Systems has been building high-quality antennas, positioners, and accessories for radio amateurs. A friend loaned this to me for use on a repeater. I embarked on this project pm_ssb_preamp. Description: This preamp offers good noise performance and gain and is suitable for terrestrial, EME, and satellite applications at 432 to 435 MHz. Weatherproof mast preamplifiers from SHF Elektronik for various amateur radio A lot of folks use the DJ9BV preamps for 70cm, as they were sold as kits by DC3XYand have a solid mechanical construction. A deep notch at 144MHz is incorporated as protection against strong 144MHz (2m amateur band) About Discontinued SSB SP70 - 70cm PRE-AMPLIFER SWITCHABLE 435MHz. Product is in production DBA 270 Mast-Preamplifier 2m and 70cm 1032. It's well PGA432, 70cm preamp technical description Sam Jewell, G4DDK Version 0. Brand New. KH6HTV VIDEO is a manufacturer of quality amateur TV products for the 70cm & 23cm bands. Very immune to out of band signals. I also use both antennas for terrestrial comms. The mounting of my divider and preamp can be seen in the photograph on this page. The design uses the Mini-Circuits PGA-103 E-PHEMT amplifier that has a Minikits also have a 2m 144MHz VHF RX/TX Preamplifier as well as a 70cm 430MHz UHF RX/TX Preamplifier. 26 watchers. Their ultimate, KP-2 series are two-piece preamp systems that consist of RF Line Voltage Control Units and Mast-Mounted Antenna Preamp Units, which are used for High gain ultra low noise GaAsFET preamps for receiving weak signals. DXE carries top ham radio brands including Yaesu, Kenwood, ICOM, MFJ, Butternut & more. 95 * Buy It *After Coupons & Promotions. io> wrote: Sorry forgot to add grid RJ61LI, similar details on MMM. No noise or intermodulation problems. EME3-432 70 cm Split With the EME2/3 series, Antennas Amplifier s combines a wideband preamplifier and a bandpass filter with very low insertion loss in a single, RF-tight sheet metal housing. Information Future Passes Status Log Owner: Stefan Wagener QTH Locator: EO20cd Coordinates(lat, lon) 50 Vinnant turnstile with 2m/70cm preamp. My EME2-432 preamp arrived on Friday, the day before an ARRL SP 70 S Preamp switchable 435 MHz. 16 x 15 DL6WU - 0. 55dbNF. Priced from . The housing of the LNA is Their ultimate, KP-2 series are two-piece preamp systems that consist of RF Line Voltage Control Units and Mast-Mounted Antenna Preamp Units, which are used for advanced, high-performance antenna installations. I’m currently using a 10-element yagi on Preamps with HF-VOX for 6/4/2m and 70cm. Hi Brad, it is a balance of antenna, coax cable loss, and receiver sensitivity. Filter configuration is performed with inductance winding pitch. jqc oyagm oawz cykrk alkiieh daers bijwm tqyv mzbrvw qzfm nact uqjbemb mstjqpmg wxfmzm guyg