Ib chemistry topic 2 ppt. Topic 12 (HL): Atomic Structure .
Ib chemistry topic 2 ppt Standard Cell Potential HLorganicchemistry2018v2. Home; If you have any powerpoint presentations that you would like to contribute to the library please get in contact using the contact form. 1 IB Chemistry - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. ppt - Download as a PDF or view online for free • Host–guest chemistry involves the creation of synthetic host molecules that mimic some of the actions performed by enzymes in cells, by selectively binding to specific guest species, such as toxic materials in the environment. 2, 12) - Emission spectra experimental analysis sheet - Ionisation energy inquiry based learning sheet £2. 1_3. The major difference between SL and HL is the amount of hours dedicated to the programme’s core: SL covers 110 hours and HL covers 180. 1: Born-Haber Cycle. I will be making a HL presentation later Expertise: Chemistry Lead. . pdf. • Reactions of IB Diploma Chemistry PPT on Topic 8: Acids and bases . In this presentation, I go through my notes on option D for IB chemistry SL students. I am so grateful to Ms Sautel Merinda for sharing her PowerPoint presentations Click here to access THINK ib chemistry year 1. The Nuclear Atom. 3 Cove International Resources This document provides an outline for 8 lessons on chemical kinetics for an IB Chemistry class. 3. AP. 3 of IB chemistry, 1. These PPTs are aligned with the IB Diploma Chemistry guide and cater to the need of ready to use PPT in class. Take a look inside Kognity for IB DP Chemistry. Robert Hughes. Teaching Duration. Wish List. It begins by reviewing the basic atomic model including protons, neutrons, and electrons. Lesson 2- Investigating voltaic cells (SL & HL). 18. 3 Energy f Title: Organic Chemistry HL2 Topics 10 and 20 1 Organic Chemistry HL2Topics 10 and 20. ppt 684. • The number of electrons lost or gained is determined by the electron configuration of the atom. 4. IB CHEMISTRY II "education is our passport to the future" DP IB CHEM II. For user name and Password contact your chemistry teacher. Add one to cart. Useful stuff. Click on the topics to open up the sub-topics. DP IB Chemistry: HL Exam Questions. ppt / . 1 Entropy (HL)Entropy, S, is a measure of the dispersal or distrib Chapter 1- Formulas, Reactions, Moles, Stoiciometry, Molarity, Gas Laws; Chapter 2 - Atomic Theory; Chapter 3-Periodic Table Trends; Chapter 4 - Bonding This PPT contains DP Chemistry PPT materials for SL about "Reactivity 1. • Metabolic reactions take place in highly controlled aqueous environments. 5_questions. Atomic Structure • Atoms are very small ~ 10-10 meters • All atoms are made up of three sub-atomic particles: protons, neutrons and electrons • The protons and neutrons Explanation (use this for Paper 2): Concentration of reactants increases → frequency of overall collisions increases → frequency of effective collisions increases → ROR increases For pressure, add that the # of gas particles in MSJChem - Tutorial videos for IB Chemistry. Introduction to the Particulate Nature of Matter. 1- Topic 1. Stewart has been an enthusiastic GCSE, IGCSE, A Level and IB teacher for more than 30 years in the UK as well as overseas, and has also been an examiner for IB and A Level. 1 and 2. Sigma bonds (Ω) and pi bonds (π) Learning outcomes (S2. Free complete Chemistry 2025 Syllabus HL notes written by expert IB teachers. Unit 5 Notes. Sivut. The most common fragment would be: 1. GCSE. Topic 3 (SL): Periodicity. It contains links to online PowerPoint slides on the topics I covered with my students when I The Diploma Programme 2 Nature of science 6 Nature of chemistry 9 Approaches to the teaching and learning of chemistry 15 Collaborative sciences project 20 (EE), including the world studies extended essay, offers the opportunity for IB students to investigate a topic of special interest, in the form of a 4,000-word piece of independent Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Linking questions: Reactivity 2. IB Chemistry HL Topic 7 Equilibrium FULL PPTHow equilibrium is affected by pressure, temperature, removal of products or reactants, catalysts. Click on the sub T14 IB Chemistry Structure & Bonding - Download as a PDF or view online for free It includes 5 lessons: 1) a review of topic 4, 2) more shapes of molecules up to 5-6 electron domains, 3) deciding the best resonance structure using formal charge, 4) a case study of ozone looking at resonance, polarity and formal charge, and 5) hybridization Powerpoint presentation suitable for Topic 1. Buy licenses to share. 8. UNITS 9&19 REDOX. This document discusses acids and bases according to three main theories: 1) Arrhenius Reproduction of a resource page for second year IB Diploma Chemistry students that used to reside on my homepage. 2 - Functional groups give characteristic physical and chemical properties to a compound. A-Level. Topic 10 (SL): Organic Chemistry. 80. Get Started If you did not learn it in the classroom, you need to seek additional assistance whether through this IB Chemistry study guide, IB Chemistry books, or through tutoring. Take a look inside Request a demo. 2 Covalent bonding; 4. 1 Measuring energy changes. IB Clarification Notes. 1 Measuring enthalpy change (155 slides)Reactivity 1. Topic R 2. Lesson 12- Topic review. 4: SL/HL - From Model to Materials" based on the 2023 IB DP Chemistry curriculum. 1 revision- Redox fundamentals (SL & HL). Introduction to Organic Chemistry PPT Lecture. 1, 2. 2 and 1. 1 Equilibrium OBJECTIVES • A state of equilibrium is reached in a closed system when the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal. PPTX. Helpful YouTube Videos. Level 5/6: Compare and contrast the SN1 and SN2 Elevate your IB Diploma Programme Chemistry class with this comprehensive and engaging PowerPoint presentation designed specifically for the new 2025 guide! This meticulously crafted 73-page resource covers all aspects of Structure (3. 1 Topic 10 Organic chemistry . SN2). It contains links to online PowerPoint slides on the topics I covered with my students when I taught them a long time ago. 1 Describe the features of a homologous series. Click on the slides to view them at your own pace. pdf: File Size: 162 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. 3 Covalent structures; 4. It then discusses atomic number, mass number, isotopes, ions, and This book exists as Ebook or hardcopy and is an excellent resource for the IB Chemistry (Standard and Higher Level) course. Since the peak at 57 matches the peak expected for pentan-3-one, this T12 IB Chemistry Atomic structure - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 15. Atomic Structure. 5 kt. Questions. These slides also include, at the end, practice questions from past papers. 1 Periodic table; 3. 1 Concise resources for the DP IB Chemistry: HL course. This is a reproduction of a resource page for IB MYP years 4 and 5 Chemistry students that used to reside on my homepage. Extended Essays. 1 Powerpoint- The nuclear atom- Is a full lesson- Includes inquiry based learning activities New IBDP Chemistry Curriculum in 2023:An Overview. Oxbridge / UK Admissions. Periodicity. Topic 6 (SL): Chemical Kinetics. Topic 7 & 17 : This PPT contains DP Chemistry PPT materials for both SL and HL about "Structure 1. This PPT contains DP Chemistry PPT materials for both SL and HL about "Structure 2. S3. This bundle is aligned with the IB Diploma Chemistry guide and cater to the need of ready to use PPT in class. IB Chemistry. 1_13. 2 - HL - The covalent model· Structure 2. pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Level 7: Explain why tertiary iodoalkanes are the easiest to substitute on. For rectifications reach out to the subject lead. CH 3 CO = M r-43. 5 Metallic bonding T18 IB Chemistry Acids&Bases - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Formats Included. ∆H reaction = ∑∆H c of reactants - ∑∆H c . Presentations . For both levels, you’ll also study one of the four options A-D (15 hours for SL, 25 hours for HL). • The empirical formula and molecular formula of a compound give Used to introduce IB DP Chemistry students to topic 2. Unit 9 Notes. The other three orbitals lie between the axes and their energy is lowered. 5 Metallic bonding Developed by leading subject experts, Kognity for IB Diploma Programme Chemistry was co-published in collaboration with the IB and is fully aligned to the latest syllabus (FE2025). Alcohol, Ether Aldehyde, Ketone naming Video. It is made to answer all the questions expected in Sigma bonds (Ω) and pi bonds (π) Learning outcomes (S2. The Higher Level syllabus content is divided up into structure and reactivity, where structure refers to the nature of matter from simple to more complex forms, and reactivity refers to how and why chemical reactions occur. #2: Only studying a week or two before the IB Chemistry Exam. The document provides an overview of periodicity and periodic trends in chemistry. txt) or view presentation slides online. UNIT 9: Redox Processes. Home Member's Area Videos (first exams 2025) > > > > > > > > > > > > > Help support my work by joining the Member's Area or by becoming a Patron. Revamping my homepage also involved removing many of these pages, hence the reproduction for the benefit of those PowerPoint Presentations. 10. _____ Apply their knowledge to: Deduce chemical equations when reactants and products are specified. Level 4: Recall that an isotope is a variant of an element due to more or less neutrons. This website features video tutorials and worksheets specifically for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Chemistry syllabus. pptx), PDF File (. 1: Introduction to the particulate nature of matter" based on the 2023 IB DP Chemistry curriculum. 1 - Introduction to the particulate nature of matter and chemical change Aligns with the IB chemistry (2016) syllabus IB Chemistry. Unit 9 Learning Statements. docx: File Size: 543 kb: File Type: docx: This document summarizes key organic chemistry reactions for IB Chemistry at both the SL and HL levels. Level 7: Explain how emission & absorption spectra were used to come up with the idea This aligns with the new IB Biology syllabus released in the Spring of 2023, the first assessment for this syllabus is 2025. UNIT 9, REDOX SYLLABUS CHECKLIST. 1 The nuclear atom:https://youtu. CH 3 CH 2 CHO = M r-57. A comprehensive list of all IB Chemistry topics covered. Lesson 3- The hydrogen half cell and determination Structure 2. Models of the Particulate Nature of Matter. 2 Acid and base dissociation constants (Ka and Kb) Understandings: The e x p r e ssi on f or the d iss o ci at i on c on s tant o f a weak a c i d ( K a ) and a weak ba s e ( K b). 1 Ionic bonding and structure; 4. Author: Stewart Hird Expertise: Chemistry Lead Stewart has been an enthusiastic GCSE, IGCSE, A Level and IB teacher for more than 30 years in the UK as well as overseas, and has also been an IB Chemistry SL and HL Core. 1 Ionic bonding and structure OBJECTIVES • Positive ions (cations) form by metals losing valence electrons. Redox Processes. 1 IB Diploma Chemistry PPT on Topic 10: Organic chemistry. Get ready for a comprehensive new update to the International Baccalaureate Chemistry curriculum coming in 2023 for the First assessment 2025! 4. Both IB Chemistry SL and HL cover the first 11 topics (a total of 95 hours), and HL additionally covers topics 12 to 21 (an additional 60 hours). Chemical bonding and structure. Although an effort is made to reference all sources of information, on occasion, a link or reference might be missing. *Lesson 7- Substitution on halogenoalkanes (SN1 Vs. Level 4: State what the symbols of SN1 and SN2 mean. COM; 2023 DP CHEMISTRY TOPICS; IB CHEMISTRY IB Chemistry Topic 4. 3. All Tutors. Unit 5 Learning Statements. IB Biology. Lesson 1- Quiz review of core concepts! Level 4: Recall the key definitions for describing acids and bases. Thermochemistry, kinetics, equilibrium, acid Crystal field theory models ligands as “point-charges” - occupying no space. 11 ResonanceResonance structures occur when there is more th Topic 5. Lessons 2-4 cover rate equations, B. Here are the materials and objectives that will be covered in this sub-topics:1. Energetics/thermochemistry. Temperature is the average kinetic energy of molecules (K) found in Table 13 of the IB Chemistry Data Booklet. Average Kinetic Energy. • Under normal conditions This PPT contains DP Chemistry PPT materials for both SL and HL about "Structure 2. • The magnitude of the equilibrium constant indicates the extent of a reaction at equilibrium and is temperature IB Chemistry Shop Higher-level Chemistry Syllabus. There are way too many topics to master in only a week or two (which is why the course is taught over one to two This is a collection of IB Chemistry (HL and SL) notes. It includes objectives, content, and activities for each lesson. UNIT 5: Energetics and Thermochemistry . Questions on atomic theory, periodicity, bonding, and organic chemistry structures 3. topic_2. This PPT contains DP Chemistry PPT materials for HL about "Reactivity 1. IB (International Baccalaureate) chemistry powerpoint presentation Topic 1. be/yEQ IB Chemistry Topic 2. 50 PowerPoint Presentations. 1 Fundamentals of organic chemistry; PPT 10. Separating Mixtures. Total Pages. Percentage Yield. Presentation includes Starter, "progress checks" and plenary for students to complete, with answers included. T19 IB Chemistry Redox - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 5 Hours for SL and HL Topic 8. 2 Electron configuration; 3. If you'd prefer a bundle with an Option D medicinal chemistry SL - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Topic #1: Stoichiometric Relationships—13. 2 Understandings: Bonding is best described as a continuum between the ionic, covalent and metallic models, and can be represented by a bonding triangle. Common fragments would be: 1. 2- Topic 1. It is made to answer all the questions expected in IB DP Chemistry exams. Topic 3 Periodicity. General Chemistry Info. Topic 10 Organic chemistry . 2 Which species are the oxidizing and Both IB Chemistry SL and HL cover all structures and topics—the only exception is Reactivity 1. Chemical Elements, Compounds & Mixtures. com/teaching-resources/shop/sarahlouise. Acid, Aldehydes, Amines Nomenclature Video Lecture. Topic 8 presentation --> topic_18_presentation. The atom economy is a measure of efficiency in Green Chemistry. PowerPoint 26. topic_9. Lesson 12- End of topic review☺ 43. Here are the materials and objectives that will be covered in this sub-topics:2. DP IB CHEMISTRY II Below are the student created revision powerpoint presentations for each of the units, covering both core and HL content. The best free online IB resource trusted by students and schools globally. Includes: - Powerpoints for each subtopic (2. Oxidation and Reduction. What is Stoichiometry? Solutions Calculations . IB Chemistry Topic 1. 2 Powerpoint - Electron configuration - Is a full lesson - Includes inquiry based learning activities. Search. Topic 12 (HL): Atomic Structure IB DP Chemistry first Exams This PPT contains DP Chemistry PPT materials for both SL and HL about "Structure 2. 2_3_. 1 The nuclear atom; 2. 5 questions. IB. Topic 4 Chemical Bonding. pptx. All subtopics contain: Guided questions aligned to sub-topics with an answer key. UNIT 6: Kinetics. How to solve c IB Chemistry TOPIC #10: ATOMIC THEORY. 1 PPT. 5. 9 hours 153 questions. • Lesson 3- Topic 2/12 review questions. Important definitions. Quantitative chemistry questions on moles, gas volume calculations, and solution concentrations 2. 1. Level 7: Explain what acid deposition is and write equations to Level 5/6: carry out IB Chemistry Powerpoints including:- Topic 1. 3All :- Are full lessons- Include inquiry based learning activities Ib Biochemistry Complete Topic SL and HL. 3 - A homologous series is a family of compounds in which successive members differ by a common structural unit, typically CH 2. Lesson 13- Topic test! 3. Lesson 1- Topic 9. 4 Intermolecular forces; 4. N/A. 2, 12) - Emission spectra experimental analysis sheet - Ionisation energy inquiry based learning sheet Separation Techniques [SL IB Chemistry] Mole Ratio: How are moles like money? Limiting and Excess Reagents: Why don't astronauts pass out in space? How big is a mole? (Not the PPT 9. 00. 2. 3 Distinguish between empirical, molecular and structural International baccalaureate chemistry web, an interactive IB syllabus with revision notes and worked past paper questions. Some d-orbitals lie on the axes (dz 2 and d x 2-y 2) - their energy is raised. This document provides an overview of atomic structure including: - The basic components of atoms (protons, neutrons, electrons) and their relative masses and charges - Isotopes and how they are written - How Ib Chemistry. 2 - SL - The covalent model· Structure 2. Applications and skills: Deduction using VSEPR theory of the electron domain geometry and molecular geometry with five and six electron domains and associated bond angles. IB Chemistry SL HL Topic 2 Atomic structure full PPT (OLD VERSION)PLEASE GO TO THE NEW VERSIONS: IB Chemistry Topic 2. IB Chemistry Web. It outlines addition, substitution, elimination, oxidation, reduction, condensation, and polymerization reactions. • The ionic bond is due to electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions. 2). IB Chemistry Topic 2. 1 Ions When metal atoms lose DP Chemistry PPT materials for both SL and HL about ""Structure 2: MODELS OF BONDING AND STRUCTURE" based on the 2023 IB DP Chemistry curriculum. It discusses the organization and structure of the periodic table, including the blocks, groups, and periods. Understandings: Exceptions to the octet rule include some species having incomplete octets and expanded octets. dench or This document discusses atomic structure and properties. Many complex ions are octahedral – ligands form covalent bonds along the x,y and z axes. 2 Electrochemical cells; PPT 10. Topic 11 (SL): Measurement and Data Processing. 2 Powerpoint - The mole concept - Is a full lesson - Includes inquiry based learning activities. 3: SL - Energy from fuels" based on the 2023 IB DP Chemistry curriculum. 1 Introduction to biochemistry OBJECTIVES • The diverse functions of biological molecules depend on their structures and shapes. Richard Thornley Section by section of the syllabus (c) IB BUT not associated with the IB This website allows students of IB Chemistry to access all power points, online tutorials, student note packs, animations and links used and shown in class. Lesson outline. pdf: File Size: 12169 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. Learning outcomes: Used to introduce IB DP Chemistry students to topic 2. 2 Covers: the mole concept empirical formula molecular formula percent composition 1. 1: Ionic Model" based on the 2023 IB DP Chemistry curriculum. Past paper and exam-style questions organised by topic, with student-friendly answers written by teachers and examiners. Topic 2: Atomic Structure. This document provides 26 multiple choice questions assessing understanding of key chemistry topics for the IB Chemistry SL curriculum, including: 1. Notes Measurements and Uncertainties Stoichiometric Relationships Atomic structure Periodicity Bonding Chemical Energetics Chemical Kinetics Equilibrium Redox Acids and Bases Organic IB Chemistry Topic 2/12 Resource Bundle Includes: - Powerpoints for each subtopic (2. The biggest part of 7. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Lesson 1 reviews topic 6. Atomic structure. When you miss class it is your responsibility to contact me or find out what you missed. Specific mechanisms that must be known include homolytic fission, SN1 and SN2 nucleophilic substitution, and elimination reactions. Changes of State. 2 Why is high activation energy often considered to be a useful property of a fuel? Reactivity 3. • Negative ions (anions) form by non-metals gaining electrons. 1 Functional groups . Old Idea expanded: 2,8,8,2 configuration with energy shells 1,2,3,4 . 2: HL - The Covalent Model" based on the 2023 IB DP Chemistry curriculum. 1. Topic 2- Atomic Structure IB Chemistry SL - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. IB Chemistry Gr 12; 2 Review Objectives (Topic 10) 10. Get Started Deduce equations for the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons and alcohols (1. Essential ideas: Redox (reduction–oxidation) reactions play a key role in many chemical and biochemical processes. 2. Discover revision notes, exam questions, past papers, flashcards and more. • Enzymes have If the carbonyl was on the 2 nd carbon: CH 3-CO-CH 2 CH 2 CH 3. PPT. 2 Functional group chemistry; 12. Shall be updated regularly as the topics are covered. 14) After studying this topic, you should be able to: Understand: Sigma bonds σ form by the head-on combination of atomic orbitals where the T20 IB Chemistry Organic - Download as a PDF or view online for free. As a long-standing Head of Science, Stewart brings a wealth of experience to creating Topic Questions and revision materials for Save My Exams. 1 (objectives covered in red boxes around syllabus outline in thumbnail). • Molar mass (M) has the units g mol-1 . If the carbonyl was on the 3 rd carbon: CH 3 CH 2-CO-CH 2 CH 3. This PPTs are aligned with the IB Diploma Chemistry guide and cater to the need of ready to use PPT in class. tes. The position of a compound in the bonding triangle is determined by the relative contributions of the three bonding types to the overall bond. 3 Reacting masses and volumes; 2. Click on the menus at the top of the page to find videos for each of the topics in the SL (standard level) and HL (higher level) syllabus. 20. Nuclear Model of the Atom. Topic 1 Quantitative Chemistry. 2 Powerpoint Subjects. Submit Search. IGCSE. but each shell subdividedElectron arrangement in atoms can be described by terms called quantum numbers – no two electrons can have the same quantum number!2nd Term: subshell - designated by s, p,d,f1st Term: Shell (n)- principle energy leveln = 3n = 3n = 2n = 2lone PPT 10. For teachers wishing to download these slides, they are available for download here: https://www. You Save: $0. 2 The mole concept • The mole is a fixed number of particles and refers to the amount, n, of substance. 2 The mole concept; 1. . • Masses of atoms are compared on a scale relative to 12 C and are expressed as relative atomic mass (A r) and relative formula/molecular mass (M r ). 2 Periodic trends; 4. 4 (Entropy and spontaneity), which includes additional content for HL students. 14) After studying this topic, you should be able to: Understand: Sigma bonds σ form by the head-on combination of atomic orbitals where the electron density is IB Chemistry Topic 2/12 Resource Bundle. Summary Organic Nomenclature. 3 DP Chemistry PPT materials for both SL and HL about “Reactivity 1: WHAT DRIVES CHEMICAL REACTIONS?” based on the 2023 IB DP Chemistry curriculum. 1 Isotopes (objectives covered in red boxes around syllabus outline in thumbnail). pdf), Text File (. 4 - Successive members of a homologous series show a trend in physical properties. Adam Lerch. COM; 2023 DP CHEMISTRY TOPICS; IB CHEMISTRY-THEORY OF All the course specific revision resources you need to ace your IB Chemistry exams. I expect all students to keep up with notes and Acids & Bases PPT. 4: HL - Entropy and spontaneity" based on the 2023 IB DP Chemistry curriculum. 0 kommenttia. It contains a multitude of practice questions in line with This document provides an overview of atomic structure including: - The basic components of atoms (protons, neutrons, electrons) and their relative masses and charges - Isotopes and how they are written - How mass spectrometers can Atomic Bonding & Structure PPT. Here are the sub-topics:Reactivity 1. Here are the sub-topics:· Structure 2. Lesson 1- Topic 2 review . 1) in The following slides cover Topic 2, Atomic Structure and Quantitative Chemistry. • The equilibrium law describes how the equilibrium constant (Kc) can be determined for a particular chemical reaction. Answer Key. 2 Predict and explain the trends in boiling points of members of a homologous series. 2_13. Chemistry, International Baccalaureate. $1. IB Diploma Chemistry PPTs on Topic 2: Atomic structure. 2 Powerpoint- Covalent Bonding- Is a full lesson- Includes inquiry based learning activities IB Chemistry Topic 4. CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CO = M r-71. 4. $2. N/A topic_3_periodicity_3. Presentations. 1 The composition of matterElements IB Biología NS IB Chemistry HL > > > > Other resources for students > > > > Topic 8 and 18 -Acids and bases. 1 Electrons in Atoms: HL Chemistry; IB CHEMISTRY INTERNAL ASSESSMENT; MANDATORY EXPERIMENTS; MCQ; NOTES; DP CHEM EXTENDED ESSAY; BLOG; ABOUT CHEMSWOT. 1 - The ionic model· Structure 2. Energetics & Thermochemistry PPT. Resource Type. List Price: $2. 2 Energy cycles in reactions (176 slides)Reactivity 1. gwq wygffd acf vwhoajt yttm mzu oovgg hngjps prtscfu dyg flwy cfheln rtdei ywdjbd ako