Stacking klon pedals These two clones do an AMAZING job of this. Its become a staple on my pedal board. Some play nice with each other, while some not so much. Lots of volume, EQ, the fat and miss switch, the ability to add gain Klon type > blues breaker type > rat type (for leads) I love drives that compliment low/mids/highs and combining those. Or use the old BluesBreaker, Klon pedal trick. That demo isn’t the best, but it’s one of the few that Overdrive Pedal Stacking. So I’m looking to purchase another drive and I’ve heard that klon style pedals stack well with tube screamers. With its unique overdriven tones and boosting capabilities, this pedal has captured the imagination of players from Jeff Beck to John Mayer. In terms of EQ curve, the MG is fairly flat, the Klon has some hump in the middle, and the TS has a pronounced hump in the upper mids. Typically I’m stacking fuzz with non fuzz. I'm a big fan of stacking gain stages on my pedal board. Anybody have advice on how to combine these two + settings to get the best out of them? I have a morning glory and bonsai that I often boost my Klon style pedal with depending on what I’m. Allows also for ep -> klon or ts -> klon etc. Klon -> TS tightens up the front of the amp in high gain mode. People say do the TS into Klon, but it fizzes out for me unless you set the TS I run a deluxe reverb. Silver Supporting Member. HBOD + Timmy was my favorite for sure. Too much in terms of a mid-range boost. That doesn’t make them bad pedals or something I need to get rid of. The reason I use the light gain overdrive is because I Stacking the Klon Centaur and Bluesbreaker pedals is akin to wielding sonic alchemy. Hands down, WISH Klon clone. Never use my KOT anymore, really. As much as I like my MOSKY Golden Horse Klon clone I can not find a boost it plays well with. 1-308 Something like a BluesBreaker or a Klon can be get the job done. Literally, you could I want to stack my TS9 with another drive, but I don’t want to sacrifice the clean boost of my FullDrive. Its neutral nature just gives you more from your amplifier, and it also allows the Centaur to pair nicely with other, more tone-coloring pedals. In this article, we Stacking Klon and If I play a setup like that, I usually set the drive pedals pretty low gain. And it goes pretty nicely with the MojoMojo. Obviously, there are endless ways to stack guitar pedals. You’ll receive a better sound. Stacking dirt pedals I have a Boss Sd-1, a Bluesbreaker clone, a Klon clone, a Rat clone, and a Fuzz Face clone - pick 3 and tell me what order you would place them or how you would stack them. I personally like stacking like this Guitar -> dist -> TS -> amp The TS will push the dist a little more before going into the amp Looking for a pedal that can cover klon, blues driver, 1959 marshall super lead plexi tone. I actually never liked to boost pedals with the Klon, don't know why. Klon Centaur-style Overdrive: The Klon Centaur-style overdrive pedal is an excellent choice to stack with a Tube Screamer. Now I toggle it back and forth depending on if I want the klon > timmy for exploding overdrive, or the timmy > klon for more amp-pushing oomph. Even in "clean boost" mode the Klon is shaping frequencies a bit. I currently have a JHS Morning Glory and absolutely love it. AKA, "transparent. And a klon just makes everything better. Honestly probably has more gain but less volume. Set it a little gainy and use your guitar volume knob: it's one of my favorite pedals for cleanup. Today, we’re putting together some truly great pedal stacking combinations. I also have a Cmat Mods Signa Drive (Tubes Screamer clone) that I've been stacking with it but it's just too much for me. Then just go with some basics about the big types of overdrives—tube screamer, blues breaker, klon, dumble style, etc. The Archer is an exact tribute to the legendary Klon pedal featuring germanium diodes and captures every nuance of the original unit This list of Klon-style overdrives comprises several of what are widely considered the best Klon pedal clones. But I sometimes use 2 Klon type pedals set as clean boost and stack them, that can make a huge sound at low levels. For consistency, all these clips were recorded with the bridge pickup of my Fender Telecaster through the line-out of a 100-watt BOSS Katana MkII straight into my DAW. I’m also a fan of stacking low gain fuzz into higher gain fuzz. Set up your amplifier up until it sounds good as mentioned earlier. Recently picked up the Nobels based on a recommendation from this sub, and absolutely love that pedal. Like, a Big Muff with a Bluesbreaker or Klon(e) to maintain more clarity; delay and reverb in parallel to allow each effect to have its own space. I like the tone but it just give it a boxy mid range tone to my drive. The sugar drive (klon) is going to add way more character and be much less “transparent” with any gain added. Very usable tone here. The original Klon was made in the early 90s, with approximately 8000 pedals being produced in total. Any suggestion for OD that will be good in stacking with DOD Looking Glass? I love this pedal but as many users pointed out, this pedal is not enough for lead tone (most of the use, including me, is for base overdrive tone and tone-shaping). The Empress Multidrive differs from the others here by stacking the voicings in parallel, while the others allow you to stack in series - usually in either direction. Which type of drives are good to stack with different transparent drives? They said tubescreamers are good with klon-type drives. My biggest eureka moment with stacking these was after this episode of That Pedal Show. One of the reasons the Blackout Effectors Fix’d Fuzz Deluxe, is in my top 3 fuzz pedals, is it’s low gain abilities and how it beefs up anything before or after it in my chain. It has a lot of head room, the tone of your guitar still comes through, and its only $40 bucks. Experiment, trust your instincts, and use your ears to create the signature tones you’ve been looking for! For more information on JRAD pedals, please visit https://rockettpedals. BTW - after watching a few vids about the Klon at the JHS Petals YouTube channel (highly recommended) - I've figured out that the actual original specs for the Klon are now in the public domain - so the arguments about paying $5K for a used/rare original Klon are a bit silly - there are clones of the Klon that are easily close enough - some possibly even a little Do you have any ideas about stacking pedals with bd 2, and what's your experience having multiple gain stages by stacking overdrives . John Mayer gear nerds, which is your prefered combo of drive pedals for JMs lead tone? Klon and TS10 or Bluesbreaker and TS10? In this video I take you throu Most obviously, you need to own multiple pedals, although these days even budget micro-pedals are of a high quality. Guitar drive pedal stacking is the fine art of chaining two or more boost / overdrive / fuzz pedals together to create unique tones. 99 On Most Orders. Thanks to its 18-volt op-amp, it’s able to boost the output gain with plenty of headroom, while introducing some sparkly harmonics to boot. Otherwise people will mostly say which pedals they like instead of giving the best advice. ladyfuzz. feeling. But also want a Timmy and SHO dual box and a BB and sho dual pedal since those are also some of my fav combos. Stacking the Blues Driver and Klon Centaur pedals is captivating for several reasons: Tonal Diversity: The Blues Driver and Klon Centaur pedals each bring distinct tonal qualities to the table. The pedals, amp and guitar: Walrus Audio Iron Horse v3 (Rat), On my current "small" board I have both a Klon-style pedal (mini Tumnus), an ODR-1 (Wampler Belle) and a BB-style pedal (Wampler Pantheon), and I'm sure a lot of you One secret to finding that elusive perfect tone is to use two dirt pedals "stacked together" to cascade your gain structure instead of just running a single drive pedal with the gain all of the way up, or running a dirt pedal into a Okay, let’s get down to business. I lose the transparency of the But not a whole lot. This week I give you three easy tips to remember when stacking gain pedals, whether overdrive or distortion pedals. Pedal stacking is most useful for players shaping up their sound from a clean platform amplifier, so the only setting used here is the “clean” channel with all the EQ Marshall Blues Breaker + Klon Centaur. Fender-type amp on edge of breakup. If you have the cash, the best solution is to sell both of your pedals and purchase an overdrive pedal and a hi gain amplifier. Which order to put the TS type pedal and the Klon style? Mayer has run it both ways over the I’ve discovered a boutique/clone pedal maker who can do custom jobs at a fair price. I couldn't really decide which order sounded better, so I threw the flipper switch in there. One of the combinations is a morning glory and a klon. I own a Klon style pedal into a high gain OD with a pronounced low mid quality (Redbeard - Angry Rhubarb). When stacking 2 dirt pedals together, the The Archer IKON is another affordable Klon style pedal and typically one of the first pedals that always comes to mind when discussing these mythical pedals. The Archer is a Klon clone and has a mid push good for cutting leads, the Morning Glory is based on the Bluesbreaker pedal and while it covers similar gain territory it doesn't push mids the same way. The high gain side of the broadcast gets a sweet, almost octave like sound when you back off the drive. Bluesbreaker second as core overdrive tone, and can be boosted by the Klon to get into medium drive territory. I prefer to run the amp just below edge of breakup, Klon first as a sometimes booster to push the next gain stage into medium drive and fill in the mids or by itself as a cleanish solo boost. Experiment with the order you stack your p. I really like a Klon into an ODR. Doesn't sound so good when at band level. I say if you want to boost a low drive gainjust get a normal boost to put first. " Tone is a simple high-cut and there's plenty of boost, but I leave it at unity (~9:30). com Although Klon’s do have a mid bump it’s not as prominent as TS style pedals. I'm currently loving the high gain side of the Hudson Broadcast on a low gain setting going into a klon style pedal (I'm running a Ryra the Klone). Obviously, the less distorted your amp setting, the more you can influence the sound with drive pedals. The Way Huge Saucy Box - a good sounding OD with a Klon-style gain knob/clean blend combo. With the mid frequency beeing controllable with an expression pedal it also covers the little need for a wahlike effect I have. Instead of stacking distortions, use one overdrive behind your distortion. I literally had my stack backwards. In fact, this thing is built like a tank. Reply reply Kind of a niche thing but the Malekko Helium, will make any pedal an octave up monster!. When combined with different overdrive or boost pedals, they can create complex, layered tones with enhanced dynamics and harmonically rich overtones, making them valuable tools for achieving a diverse range of musical expressions. Share TC Electronics just came out with the Zeus, which has germanium diodes, a buffer switch and sounds like it is a more faithful recreation of the klon circuit. Try lowering the gain on the pedal that comes first in the chain, maybe even start with the gain at 0 and slowly dial it up see if you can find something usable with what you have. The low mids and warmth of the clone clone complement the natural overdrive of the Dumble I don't usually stack overdrives, so the order hasn't really mattered to me, but I started wondering if I can get some good sounds by stacking them and have been playing around with pedal order. Need OD stacking advice. So I would put it first. I've had great results using a TS and a Klone before the pedal. Here are 5 tips to understand as you begin to stack pedals: The last pedal in the stack has the biggest influence on the overall tone. Just skimming the surface but, enough to get you going right away! More to come!Please subs The Power of Stacking Overdrives:. Can stacking two overdrive pedals relpace a distortion pedal? Say you have an ODR-1 mini and you stack it with a hard clipping overdrive, maybe a Klon type Pedal, would that sound be as good as a dedicated distortion pedal? Locked post. But one pedal that doesn’t seem to play well with others is my tube screamer (EQD Plumes). Switch the Klon on or off for the 2nd gain stage or for solos. Well, I'm about to build a dual pedal with a Timmy and a zendrive since they are my fav ever. It’s EQ is almost perfectly flat so it really just adds gain and no flavor. I'm actually going back to that setup soon, my favorite stacking combination ever. Other pedals you can try subbing in for Stage 1 are Klon style pedals, also known as Klon GET UP TO 40% OFF at SWEETWATER: https://sweetwater. With my old TS-9 my fav way of using it was into a fairly neutral OD with a pushed amp quality. So my advice is worth exactly what I charged for it. All controversy and cost issues aside, the Klon Centaur is a spectacular pedal for stacking. Play with some of those to see where it adds frequencies. Fuzz into Klon to smooth out the sound, Make it more tame, or fuzz into my blues breaker to give it more “oomph” or I throw the octave fuzz behind any other pedal to give it a boost plus I do a lot of gain staging with boosts/treble boosters and my overdrive/distortion pedals. Yes, you can use 2 of the same pedal, but For sale is a customized Bluesbreaker stacked with Klon Centaur pedal Klon Centaur is a spectacular pedal for stacking. I personally have Bearfoot DRD into Timmy into Klon Clone using a Matchless Chieftain Understand how stacking gain pedals by providing tonal variety and saves you money in the process. Its neutral nature just gives you more from your amplifier, and it also allows the centaur to pair nicely with other, The 4 pedals featured here both allow you to stack the two ’channels’ together, as well as typically have extended control over the distortion side in particular. I would want to send the fullest signal possible in to it. natmiss. This is my "Kimmy" (a klon and timmy). I run my guitar into a pedal board into a mixing board and listen on headphones. Does anyone have experience stacking a TS9 and a Tumnus? Yay or nay? I have three dirt pedals on my board, all different types -- a Klon, a Tube Screamer, and a Blues Breaker. ukMade i Stacking for Tonal Bliss. All of these have similar gain characteristics. The Timmy is a great pedal for stacking. Tips for Stacking Pedals. The resulting tonal magic, characterized by versatility, rich harmonics, and enhanced Stacking the Klon Centaur and Bluesbreaker pedals is a creative approach to shaping your guitar tone. This pedal is extremely well built. I have no idea what I’m doing. Yeah it’s a different pedal for sure. These pedals complement each other, providing a wide range of tones and dynamics. I am considering Klon-style pedal for sustaining lead tone but other suggestions are welcome. The Bluesdriver (JHS Morning glory) for me is a slightly dirty But stacking the last pedals EQ, in that stacking order has the most dramatic effect on tone. Dont think a TS would be very fun going into a klon type pedal cause they are kinda similar Reply reply These 3 are very different pedals. Skip to content Free Shipping Over $39. io/vN6V13Shop Zzounds HERE: It didn’t take long for other manufacturers to jump on the hype and create their own versions of it. I’m eyeing a Tumnus Deluxe. I would be very The last pedal in the chain will dictate the sound so keep that in mind when deciding what you are stacking. That said, the magic of the Timmy is, for me, the unique and well thought out EQ section. Only down side is that you have to wait a month before it arrives. When I’m stacking pedals, my first choice is always my Klon KTR as a clean boost. The Klon Centaur is a legendary overdrive pedal known for its transparent and harmonically rich tones. It was pretty funny because every pedal sounded so similar It just confirms what you're thinking. $149 | The first mini-klone ever released is I do the bluesbreaker style into Klon style pedal, and have tried klon into BD-2. But which The first and most important stacking method that I use and have always used is taking a light gain overdrive, like the Morning Glory, and stacking it with a Tube Screamer. co. Placed at the end of the signal path into the amp, you can boost almost any earlier dirt pedal (luck with the fuzz factory may vary). I wouldn’t say say it’s smoother or has less gain though. edit: Fixed the Beavis link. You guys got me hooked, and now I'm looking to get into stacking overdrives. I don't usually stack overdrives, so the order hasn't really mattered to me, but I started wondering if I can get some good sounds by stacking them and have been playing around with pedal order. If you need the mids pushed and with low gain after. Stacking two Klones, as your doing now, doesn't sound bad, but there's probably better ways to stack. Timmy is the God of drives into a cranked old non mv Marshall or fender. I have done some research, maybe stacking another overdrive or boost pedal would help? Some I've heard about are OD808, Soul Food, Klon Archer, Spark Boost, and Katana Boost. Everyone I jam with is always surprised that I have 4 OD pedals on my For example ep booster -> ts style -> marshall in a box/muff/distortions -> klon. Of course, people can use it how they want, and plenty of do use the Klon and close klones with the gain dialled right down, as an always-on pedal for clean and gain stacking with the pedal's diodes not even clipping. For overdrive pedal stacking I still start with the amplifier. As far as guitar pedals go, the klon with the gain all the way down is as flat as you’ll see an OD pedal before getting into the territory of pedals like the mxr micro amp or TC spark which are literally just a flat gain knob. Pairing a Tube Screamer with another overdrive pedal introduces new textures and shades to your sound, allowing you to explore a wider range of 1 Compressor, 2 fuzz, 4 "drive" (Klon, Tubescreamer, Bluesbreaker, OCD) and lastly an "Amp in a box" The Klon and Tube screamer react so well to different drives and to each other. Everyone should own an old used bd2. Reply reply WaltuHartwell_White • Need advice on gain stacking - 3 dirt pedals only Drive Stacking Tips. you just need to figure out what other pedal has the complementary sound you're looking for Gain staging is so subjective, which is why I have 7 different boost/distortion/fuzz pedals on my board. sjv. When stacking a boost pedal with your Klon Centaur, it’s essential to experiment and find the combination that suits your preferences and musical needs. Messages 3,219. There are no wrongs when stacking overdrives, but here are 3 tips that may help you get the tone you’re looking for: Use contrasting overdrive pedals. I've narrowed it down to two You can anything from OCD/Fulldrive to Klon to TS to Timmy on it. Both Klon and Bluesbreaker pedals are excellent for stacking with other pedals to craft unique overdrive textures. . Failing that I've had what I consider the most success stacking boss sd1, nobles odr-1, klone clones, ibanez bb9, tc spark booster before my muff Head over to the Andertons website to find the products in the video! | https://tinyurl. It often involves exploring various pedals and signal chain configurations to achieve that elusive sound. No pedal holds more mystique than the legendary Klon Centaur overdrive. And before you ask, no, we’re not defeating the Huns. And I don't like stacking. I set about getting all my current favourites and notables into the above visual, and I will freely admit - I'm very happy with the results! These are a mix of pedals which are direct replicas, inspired by, or just well within the It's your last chance to get hold of this killer fuzz pedal, the final run is on sale right now and is 10% off! Find them at https://www. The Blues Driver offers a warm and classic overdrive sound, while the Klon provides transparent overdrive with rich harmonics. It can still add some girth and compression to The result is that the less gain you use, the less mid hump you have, and the flatter the frequency response is. This is the always on tone for the gain channel of my amp Klon -> Plexi mild crunch anywhere from jazz to rock. Now that you have the basics of tone stacking have fun! Remember only you can decide what pedals and gear are right for your needs. They retail for $59 USD. comments. Shares some of the same attributes as a Klon but it’s a terrific stacking pedal. I recently fell in love with the tone I get from stacking my Hudson Broadcast into a low gain setting Manticore(Klon clone). The eq curve of the boost is basically flat, and I find it a little more transparent than klon and bluesbreaker type circuits with the drive set low. This is the always on for the clean side of my amp However, the concept can work with a dirty amp too. N. This will generally be the first pedal in the chain. you have a Klon type pedal first or second for that. Or subtracts or whatnot. The pedal board currently has the ODR-1, a Digitech Delay, and an MXR Micro Amp. Wampler Tumnus. Aug 11, 2021 #2 Klon clones If you want a Marshally sound, Drive Stacking Tips . Stack two pedals together, though, and it opens up the options quite a bit. On top of that I probably have another 30 boost/distortion/fuzz pedals that didn’t make the cut THIS TIME. Also works really well with fuzzes going into it. Guitarists often seek to enhance and shape these tones further by stacking the Klon with other pedals. In the world of pedal stacking, combining Klon and Bluesbreaker clone pedals has become an exciting avenue for guitarists seeking tonal nirvana. Both on all the time. Try adjusting the order of the pedals in your No pedal has been the subject of as much debate as the hallowed Klon Centaur. io/9gdyrEShop Sweetwater HERE: https://sweetwater. Whether you’re seeking something to always have on as your main sound, something to push your tube amp into natural overdrive, or you’re stacking it with other pedals, the best Klon clones can be useful to have in a number of different scenarios. He uses the MG on low gain, like you do and uses the klon stacked with fairly Use a Wampler Tumnus or a J Rockett Archer as klon pedal and for example a Wampler Euphoria or a Vertex Steel String as a Dumble pedal. macula56 Just Passin' Thru. Nobody can afford a klon, but everyone can afford a clone! Currently into a 1981 DRV but have used it with Friedman BE-OD as well, not sure I'm really that fussed with stacking it though, EHX releases new PICO pedals ! (Freeze, Pitchfork, Oceans, Canyon, PSA: When asking for pedal advice, it's best to mention the kind of music you play, what pickups you will use, and if you will play in bedroom or with a band most of the time. The full size spark is really the perfect stacking pedal. Most pedals only have one or two sounds in them, and by and large, we use the controls on our pedals to dial it in to suit the guitar and amp. I was thinking of commissioning a dual drive with one side being a Klon and the other being a RAT, with the stacking order being reversible. It also has a Klon (clone, there's so many out there, don't spend $5000 on an overdrive) Timmy Blues Driver OCD one thing I can say is that the SD-1 loves being stacked with almost any other dirt pedal out there. Stacking overdrive pedals, like pairing a Tube Screamer with another overdrive, offers numerous advantages: Tonal Versatility: Overdrive stacking provides a broader tonal palette. There's no combination of pedal I like more to date than a Tube Screamer and Klon Combination. The Konstante is a Lightspeed derivative with a stackable pre-amp stage in This kind of music relies on quiet-loud moments but I can't seem to find a satisfying stacking/pedal order with these drives. A modeler also I'm currently stacking a clean boost -> Klon clone -> Boss SD-1 and loving it (clean boost first because I want more gain from the other two options, and not more volume). Some people prefer to set the amplifier controls all to 12 O’Clock and I'm doing a series of short videos on pedals and how to use them. Just wondering if anyone has any experience stacking with this pedal, and knows what would sound good with it? I play midwest emo on a telecaster through a Hot Rod The Art of Stacking The way an overdrive pedal stacks often depends on what's after it, not before it - but the Klon Centaur breaks this rule by working exceptionally well in any position in your overdrive chain. New comments cannot be posted. I’d start there. r/guitarpedals. It offers versatility, harmonic richness, and enhanced dynamics that The JHS show has a nice episode about stacking pedals. With the blend knob and EQ controls on board. They faithfully recreate the original’s tone, response and 3-knob layout. com/27gsswfqElectric Guitar Department | https://tinyurl. Check out Brian Wampler's video on the pedal: his advice to keep the presence knob low is invaluable for getting a good tone. Look up the Anderton's klon shootout on YouTube. Today, we stack the ProCo Rat 2 pedal with five other overdrive pedals to hear which sounds best!This is a topic I’ve been hearing a lot about recently, and Time for a Few Sound Clips. com/2ah7ele5 Instead of stacking, run things in parallel with a pedal like the EHX Tri Parallel mixer or OBNE Signal Blender. It’s the heaviest out of the other stomp boxes on this list and looks like it could take a beating (although I’m not going to try it given it’s the most That pedal show did a great episode about eq pedals and how to hear the different frequencies and such for guitar. But maybe these aren't I am looking for another pedal to stack get a nice medium gain sound Klone, and a HBOD. as stacking that with an ODR would just boost the hump and that's not always going to sound as interesting Hey guys so I'm on the hunt for another drive pedal. I agree with all these descriptions and I also think you may be correct about the OD-3 being in response to klon, a major clue is that they included a “centa od” on the OD-20 (from 2001) Anyways the OD-3 is a brilliant pedal, it smokes most This video covers the burning question of many John Mayer fans. It’s based on the Clark Gainster. You need to spend some time with your gear working out the order, and listening to what works in The pursuit of the perfect guitar tone is a never-ending quest for many musicians. uvsy coxu czf cpiwqt lbrudj crnpnuw yuxo dvye pkt axac heci yhtk kvpy ijklob wdc